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Data Processing

Computerized data access is increasingly becoming the need of the hour. BINDRA INFOTECH offers solution for all your information processing needs. We provide all possible services for drafting solution or related areas. Our simple work methodology helps clients to easily provide us with the raw material to work on.

The company provides dependable, high quality and cost effective services in off-site Data Processing, Word Processing, Print, Imaging and Lettershop services.

Services Offered

  • Digital Scanning for paper free offices
  • Image Processing- Data Entry and validation by images where images are downloaded from ftp sites through high speed link of upto 128 kbps.
  • Microfiche Digitization - Data Entry and validation through Microfiche
  • Scanning Large volumes of Data - Scanning upto 20,000 documents per day of A4 size using high speed scanners.
  • Form Design
  • XML Tagging
  • Document Preparation
  • Data Entry / Processing Electronic Recognition: OCR & ICR Processing (Handwritten, Machine Print, Reader Response)
  • Image Capturing Catalog Conversion (to digital format)
  • COLD (Computer Output to Laser Disk / CD-ROM)
  • Document Management / Imaging
  • Document Workflow

We also undertake projects on data conversion i.e. DBMS to RDBMS such as FoxPro (2.6) to Oracle8i. We also process company's raw data into computerized format of which we also keep record for future use.

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